How I found my home at DMG


I had a plan when I graduated high school in 2014. I was heading to college to become a clinical psychologist, focused on marriage and family counseling.

It’s a plan I intended to keep – that is, until I was pleasantly surprised by a new opportunity that changed the course of my career.

Near the end of my undergraduate career, I took a course in industrial-organizational psychology (think: psychology, but with a focus on business). I took it on a whim because I needed another elective, but I liked it so much I went on to earn my master’s in I-O psych. Then, on the recommendation of a classmate who worked in the HR department for Divisions Maintenance Group, I applied for DMG’s HR internship.

Brittany Yeager graduated from Belmont University in Nashville with a degree in psychology. She went on to earn a master’s in I-O psych from Northern Kentucky University.

I had never considered a career in HR before my master’s program, but once I started with DMG, I realized how rich the field is. There is so much to learn, and every day is different. Some days, I help onboard classes of new hires. Other days, I’m pulling data reports or managing promotions. Recently, I helped a coworker who was dealing with a medical emergency. I pulled his benefit information so he could focus all his attention on his 2-year-old son. 

When I first started with DMG in August of 2019, I expected a lot of stereotypical “intern” assignments: Fetch the coffee. File the paperwork. Sit in the back and learn from a distance. Instead, I got to dive in and do meaningful work right away. It was an internship, so I figured I’d stay with DMG for six months or a year, tops. But once I started, I knew I’d found someplace special. In 2020, I was promoted into a full-time HR generalist role. Just a few months ago, I was promoted again into the newly created role of HR business partner. 

One of my favorite parts about DMG is the growth. I see new hires and promotions practically every day. People are being mentored and developed and are taking on new challenges. Nobody is stuck at DMG. 

I initially went into psychology because I wanted to help people. I pictured myself working with clients during some of their most difficult moments and helping them better their lives. As an HR business partner, my goal remains the same: I want to help. My goal is to boost engagement and morale. I want every single employee at DMG to feel valued, respected and fulfilled. 

I’ll be forever grateful I took that first I-O psych class. Even if my career today looks nothing like my original plan, I’m really happy with where I’m headed in the HR field, and I’m really happy with DMG.

Brittany Yeager is an HR business partner for Divisions Maintenance Group. She lives in Northern Kentucky with her fiancé, Reggie.