If she’s being honest, Morgan Ferrari was not initially gung-ho about signing up with Divisions Maintenance Group. The owner of All Seasons Facility Maintenance in Wisconsin had poor experiences with nationwide FM companies in the past and was wary of a repeat.
Still, wanting to grow her business, Ferrari decided to give DMG a chance.
Four years later, she’s thrilled she did.
In 2023, more than half of All Seasons’ revenue — 63% — came from DMG. The work is consistent, Ferrari said, the communication is fantastic, and the payments are always on time.
“Paying on time for a small business is important,” she said, “and a lot of other companies don’t. I feel like Divisions, as far as a management company, it sets the bar.”

A growing partnership
All Seasons is a commercial property maintenance company whose biggest business comes from snow removal, landscaping, lot sweeping and portering. With DMG, one of All Seasons’ earliest jobs was joining the team that responded to Texas during the 2021 snow and ice storms. The partnership grew from there, and today All Seasons has about 30 DMG accounts they service year-round.
“If you can prove yourself,” Ferrari said, “DMG will use you.”
With other companies, Ferrari’s team would get a job, do exactly what was asked but still fight to get paid, she said. The communication was terrible, and in a few cases, she’s still trying to collect on unpaid invoices from years ago.
“They never backed us up,” she said. “There were a lot of wasted efforts, and we were never compensated for it.”
With DMG, it’s different. Ferrari has a great relationship with DMG District Manager Jennifer Hoch-Diller, and the two talk daily. Expectations are clear on both sides, and Ferrari feels like All Seasons and DMG are working together toward a common goal.
They’ll call each other out if something is wrong, Ferrari said, but Hoch-Diller is just as quick to give a compliment and a thanks for a job well done.
“It really is a partnership,” Ferrari said. “Our success is your success, right? That’s what it should be. I don’t see a downside to working with DMG.”
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