Why DMG spends all year preparing for snow

we spend all year preparing for snow heres why

It’s a sweltering August day. Temperatures in Cincinnati, Ohio – HQ for Divisions Maintenance Group – are threatening to eclipse 100 degrees. Fans are blowing. Air conditioners are humming. And DMG’s Sean McLernon is on the phone talking about – snow.  

Snow? *checks notes* 

Yes, snow.  

McLernon, a DMG National Account Vice President, spends the entire year prepping and planning for snow season. And he is far from alone.  

“We work on snow 12 months out of the year,” he said. “If we’re not doing the work throughout the summer, even with landscaping and all the other services we offer, we are just not ready when snowstorms hit.”  

DMG was recently named the No. 3 snow contractor in the U.S. and Canada for the 2020-21 season, based on Snow Magazine’s annual Top 100 list. DMG was one of only three companies whose snow revenue for the season topped $100 million. 

“It highlights the credibility of who we are and what we do and the large geographic footprint we manage,” McLernon said. “It shows that we have the historical performance. When it comes to snow, we know what we are doing.” 

But early prep is not just a DMG standard. Here’s why it’s important for everyone involved, including customers, to think about snow well before winter arrives:  

No. 1: You can save money.

It’s probably no secret that negotiating your contract early will save you money compared to waiting until the last minute. McLernon says a good target for customers is to have snow services lined up by the 4th of July.  

“Nothing is going to stop us from getting the job done,” he said, “but that planning really helps us get the job done right and at the right time.” 

No. 2: Resources are scarce.

DMG spends the offseason purchasing and allocating equipment, so it’s important to make sure your properties are accounted for.  

DMG also uses the offseason to walk properties with customers to learn about any specific requests or preferences. The more preparation, the better the plan.  

No. 3: The offseason is when we learn.

After the last storm of the season, DMG gets to work looking ahead to next season. That means repairing any damage caused by snow and looking back to see how we might improve performance going forward.  

DMG learns from itself and gets better every year, McLernon said. 

And if DMG has a deal to clear your lot, your lot will be cleared – no matter how big the storm.  

“Some service providers might just throw up their hands and say, ‘You know what, I can’t get out and plow that lot,’” McLernon said. “Not DMG. We are going to come in and get the job done. If you trusted us and set up an agreement, we take that very seriously.”