Why I love my job as a DMG Account Manager

DMG Account Manager Cody Anzevino

By Cody Anzevino, DMG Account Manager

When I pictured my career growing up, I thought I’d probably follow my parents into the medical field. 

In high school, I thought maybe I’d be an orthopedic surgeon. 

In college, I tried exercise science and biology before landing on communications. When I graduated from Northern Kentucky University in 2018, I was tired of jumping around. Instead, I wanted to jump into the workforce and get started. 

So, when a Divisions Maintenance Group recruiter reached out with a job opportunity, I said yes. Initially, I wasn’t sure DMG would be the place for me. But once I got in the doors, I found I could really make a career and make something of myself here. 

I started with DMG as an Operations Coordinator and about two years in was promoted to Lead Operations Coordinator. I then became an Account Executive on the sales side before a recent promotion to Account Manager, where I’m responsible for building and growing a relationship with a specific DMG customer. 

I spend a lot of my time handling customer requests and working closely with DMG’s providers and on-the-ground field team. Each day is different, but my favorite days are the ones where I get to problem-solve on the fly. When you have multiple emergencies – a snowstorm in Buffalo, a water main break in Jersey, a sinkhole in California – it’s sink or swim. Learning how to multitask and provide that peace of mind while still keeping your cool? I like that. 

DMG Account Manager Cody Anzevino

I’m coming up on my five-year mark with DMG. Some of my favorite memories include DIVMAS, the company’s annual holiday celebration; helping build and landscape a park during a volunteer event with my team; and getting the chance to mentor newer employees. 

I also think fondly of DMG’s response during the COVID lockdowns. It was a trying time for everyone, but while so many were worried about job security in addition to health, I never was. I knew I could do my job from anywhere and that the services DMG provides are 100% essential.

I consider myself fortunate to be here. I’ve worked hard for it, but I’ve been put in a good position. I definitely feel comfortable and secure.

Looking back, I never could have predicted the career I’ve built with DMG. But I certainly have no regrets. 

I love the flexibility of my job, the mentorship I get from company leaders and the relationships I’ve built with teammates across the organization. 

I love working with my customers, seeing where they’re struggling without being too pushy on the sales side. I just want to be a partner. I want to be a helping hand. 

And I really, really love DMG’s culture. We’ve cultivated something special. I know that when I come here and I’m having a stressful day, I have team members who always have my back. It’s really tough to find that. 

DMG Account Manager Cody Anzevino