As she looks around the brand-new company headquarters, Shelley Rodriguez can’t help but reminisce.
She thinks back to 22 years ago when she first joined Divisions Maintenance Group after answering an ad in the newspaper. Back then, the company consisted of eight people, including Rodriguez. Today, DMG has nearly 1,000 employees.
She thinks back to all the times she worked late in those early years, bringing her four children to the office with her to help clean or file.
She thinks back to the “phone system” from DMG’s first office. There was no system. Rodriguez would take the call and shout across the room to whoever it was for.

“It’s surreal,” said Rodriguez, DMG’s Senior Facility Manager. “I feel a great sense of pride knowing I had a hand in building this.”
DMG moved into a brand-new headquarters in downtown Cincinnati on June 5. The company celebrated with a large party on Fountain Square, where hundreds of employees and their families gathered for food, games and — the main event — lighting up the large DMG sign on top of the building for the first time.
“The lighting ceremony was pretty special, being here as long as I have,” said Brad Lindloff, a National Account VP who has been with DMG for 19 years. “Not only can we say we are one of the best places to work, but now we can finally showcase it to potential employees and our current and potential customers.”