How DMG provided floor care in a tight time frame

DMG floor care customer case study

The situation

A DMG customer had three stores in California scheduled for high-level executive visits. The problem? The stores hadn’t received floor service in more than a year. And it showed.

The DMG solution

Divisions Maintenance Group was not the regular floor care provider for these particular stores, but when the customer reached out, we jumped into action.

The deadline was tight – with about 10 days to complete the work – and the project was further complicated by the need to perform the work overnight.

We leveraged our nationwide provider network to find partners who could complete the work on time. And we stayed in constant communication with the store managers to ensure we’d have access for the overnight cleaning.

The result

DMG completed the work on time, the floors looked great, and the executive visits went off without a hitch.

The customer gave DMG a vendor award and now regularly calls DMG for strip-and-wax jobs across the country.

For more information on DMG’s floor care services, visit